Note: Please complete 1.Install R and RStudio and 2.Install R packages prior to the workshop.

1. Install R and RStudio

In this workshop, we will be using the free and open-source program R, along with a user interface called RStudio.

2. Install R packages

Now you have successfully installed R and R studio as give in 1. Install R and RStudio.

3. Data

In this workshop we will use palmerpenguins dataset to get a better understanding of the concepts of exploration, visualization, and potential analyses.

4. Introduction to R and RStudio

Resourses IASSL Workshop Slides: Click here SLAAS Workshop Slides: Click here

5. R programming basics

Resourses IASSL Workshop Slides: Click here SLAAS Workshop Slides: Click here

6. Reproducible reporting with RMarkdown

Resourses IASSL WOrkshop Slides: Click here SLAAS Workshop Slides: Click here