Data Analysis with R Programming Language

Resource persons

Dr. Thiyanga S. Talagala

Dr. Priyanga D. Talagala

Why R?

R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. The R programming language is widely used in academia and industry for data mining and data analysis. R is also among the top-10 most popular and powerful programming languages. R offers a variety of methods for statistical modelling, computing and data visualization.

About this workshop

In this workshop you will learn about the tidyverse R packages, a powerful set of tools for making stunning data visualizations and a useful way of statistical modelling.

The workshop will be taught in a similar style to Data Carpentry workshops. Data Carpentry’s mission is to train researchers in the core data skills for efficient, shareable, and reproducible research practice


We worked through the following sections in 6 hours:

  • Introduction to R and Rstudio

  • R programming basics

  • Reproducible reporting with RMarkdown

  • Data import and export

  • Data wrangling

  • Data visualization

  • Introduction to Statistical modelling


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.